Essential Pages for Thrive Architect - Design Pack
Ready-made templates for the important pages in your online business. Just load into Thrive Architect and start using.

Thrive Architect is a highly capable page builder for building the mission-critical pages for your business website. It enables you to have fine, granular control over the details of the elements on the web pages you're building.
But what comes along for the ride with a tool that gives you detailed control is its complexity: There are about 100 knobs to turn (if you know what I mean :-( ). There are many settings you can potentially adjust.
Which settings do you start with? What are the 20% of settings that are your bread-and-butter controls for your page design? And the other 80% that you will use much less often or even ignore if you are trying to get a functional, clean-looking page up and running asap?
In short, there's a learning curve to Thrive Architect - no question about it :-(
And this is why I've put together a solution that enables you to bypass this complexity and learning curve.
This is my Essential Pages for Thrive Architect Design Pack that you can use as though they are the landing pages that come within Thrive's template library.
As of this moment, this design pack consists of the following 3 essential pages for just about any online business:

Lead Generation Page - Optin form offering your lead magnet that collects their email addresses. Helps you build your email list, an important task for just about any online business.

Thank You/Confirmation Page - Not just thanking your audience, but this page starts nurturing a deeper relationship with this audience member who clearly wants what you have to offer because they just requested your lead magnet.

Product Sales Page - You will need one for your product. It's also one of the pages that seem complex to get right.

Member Dashboard - Once they've purchased your product, this is their home.
And these 4 pages have the same, unified design that is on-brand.
And I am working on more kinds of pages - as well as additional designs for these pages. And you will get them at no additional cost.
Furthermore, if you need help in either loading and using these essential pages - OR have questions on how to adapt the design to your business and its own unique needs, just ask away.
The only thing is: I won't actually do the work for you. If you're interested in having me perform hands-on work for you, I offer a service for that and you can find out all about it here.